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Everything posted by Jhartt3

  1. Pretty sure I've got this figured out. Old motor control board was the problem. Usung and L298n now with 4 marine relays. Went on a short lake test this evening and all is well I'll post updated info to install the setup I have now as well as new code in the next few days after I test it a few more times. Also the spray problem I was having was fixed by trimming my gates.
  2. not setup to be fine tuned still working the kinks out - i think the motor driver board i was using will need to be replaced with a smaller board. i currently do not have any external inputs to change the time delay used for deploying the gates to shape the wave differently its a 100% deploy 100% retract. since the system runs off of a timer you could fine tune it to your boats needs by changing the deploy times. - i may tackle this once its working well - still have not had this work properly and be trouble free so i'm just focusing on that right now.
  3. Transfer with no manual mode not tested. Really just posted to help another user.
  4. https://create.arduino.cc/editor/jhartt3/b833cf15-ce1a-4931-85c6-0c10081aa94d/preview https://www.amazon.com/DROK-Controller-H-Bridge-Mega2560-Duemilanove/dp/B00CAG6GX2
  5. haha i think misc is fine for now. not sure how well a delaminated foam core board would work on this assuming thats what ronix you have.
  6. This is not a boat specific project but a pretty sweet lake house addition. I had a coworker who knew i was a wakeboarder call me up and say hey i found some wakeboards at a garage sale do you want em? 10 each - ended up paying 15 for all 3 boards. took me about 20 mins to put this together. the lower board does flex some som i'm considering adding another cross board between the treated boards for some extra support. but my dad and i both over 200 sat on it just fine with no real issues. Parts list 2 - older wakeboards 1 - 8 ft treated lumber boards cut in half 1 - box of stainless screws 1 - 2x4 basics any size bench or chair - can get at any home store - 35 bucks at HD https://www.homedepot.com/p/2-x-4-Basics-AnySize-Chair-Kit-Sand-90134/301993118?cm_mmc=Shopping|THD|G|0|G-Pro-PLA-D21-Lumber|&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5qrXBRC3ARIsAJq3bwpR4ZuHq7n0y6lvmLkAiEljoN5pE4CqCYpaEJxG2RsFtrasmb7c28YaAgBkEALw_wcB&dclid=CMn_-s7T6doCFQzawAodBQoD-g
  7. there is some better stuff out there now i'll try to find what someone else posted. i used open back from utopia when i did mine.
  8. Jhartt3

    Surf Gates

    I'd suggest you use a controller vs momentary switches. But if you want to do momentary switches I like the car window switches @Rob Andrus uses.
  9. Jhartt3

    Surf Gates

    This build is sick. All you guys make this look so professional - i on the other hand cobbled together some 3/8th in HDPE
  10. Looks great man - I'll be getting the arduino shipped out to you in the next week.
  11. good work i did this last year loved it - not hot in the sun - but it does slide around a bit more than i'd like as well.
  12. Just did a 4In rise to my drivers seat really easy. Parts 4 - 1" schedule 80 PVC - cut to 4" 4 - 5/16" stainless all thread - cut to 5" 8 lock nuts
  13. the voltage will be quite a bit higher than 12Volts when the gates are operating due to the engine running should be around 13.3Volts so the drop shouldnt be too significant. i'll hook it up this weekend. there are some heat sinks i could add to them as well if they are getting hot. i'm going back and forth on the relays b/c i'm not sure where to mount them. but the enclosed plastic box will already be hot in the summer so the FETs will heat up faster.
  14. if what you're saying is true about the motors not working well if being extended to the dash of the boat the martin's box that has the motors tie in at his box would be causing people's setups to die earlier. i understand what you're saying about over heating it - i feel if it melts down i have reason to go get my money back from amazon and change to the relay setup. b/c the product description was wrong. if i install these relays you speak of now i have about 40% more wiring to do plus i have to find a place to mount them in my boat ... i'm skeptical of its need. as running both motors doesnt cause any warmth to the FETs under no load even when they are on for 8 seconds. Thanks for you logic its harder to read someone else's and apply it. but i'll look at in detail tonight. i tried forever to get the millis function to work properly really wish this was just a PLC and my life would have been much easier.
  15. I dont think it should be an issue they say they are rated for that and they arent running for long amounts of time - while testing if they ran continuously for over 30 seconds the FETs would get hot to the touch. but there is never a time these will be running for that long. i'll watch the draw under load. not sure why this couldnt be mounted under the dash with this setup either. i'll watch temp when i test it once the weather warms up.
  16. Yeah and there is a bcker you can put on it as well to help it stay in place.
  17. So last year i did an install of Miners Moss- its a poor man's version of deckadence. it comes in 3'x6' rolls that you have to splice together. Link to the rolls - Miners Moss They also carry this in blue and green to glue the two sheets together i used a plastic adhesive glue - basically plumbing glue but colorless - follow the directions from deckdence to splice it together. I started by trying to template it with plastic paint drop cloth and this didnt work too well so i ended up just cutting it in place in the boat and it turned out really well. I have to get another roll to finish all the way to the bow for for now i'm not overly concerned with updating that part. I may add a backer to it to help hold it in place this year as it did slide around a bit last year - 2019 i'll probably rip the carpet ou and just have this, but currently it just sits on the carpet.
  18. Transfer code tested with GPS good to go. only "issue" is the outputs stay high for 2x as long when transferring - not a big deal but just an FYI gates still retract and deploy in about 4 seconds. I'll update the table and the video shortly - Also has auto manual logic now Pin 10 when connected to gnd allows you to run just off the switch with no GPS.
  19. WTW Kansas or Kansas City? - You used my link so Kansas City - Thank you Josh!
  20. Have you ever done both devices to see what would happen. I plan to do this next year with my new autogate.
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