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Project Comments posted by SimmK88

  1. On 6/17/2022 at 5:00 PM, Albert Withers said:

    No, I put down epoxy so that the adhesive will stick. You first want to sand your wood with about 80 grit sandpaper to remove glue and stuck on debris, then sweep/vacuum, then use clean, damp microfiber rags to wipe the remaining dust off, then apply the epoxy. Don't sand the wood smooth with fine grit sandpaper, the course grit is good to give the epoxy something to grab on to. I did it by hand since I didn't an electric sander but it would be faster and easier with an orbital or oscillating sander. For the epoxy, make sure your floor is fairly level, and I recommend using a roller. Before applying the foam, I gave the epoxy a quick wipedown, first with water and then with denatured alcohol. Don't go crazy with denatured alcohol, acetone, or other solvents, since they can cause epoxy to start to dissolve. 

    What type of epoxy did you use?  Seems there’s a lot to choose from. Thanks again!

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