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Chris Chilcott

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Project Comments posted by Chris Chilcott

  1. 14 hours ago, jonthompson said:

    Sorry all, i do have the new controller built - and 2 installed - just slowed down with a broken finger (cast on since 4 weeks ago, the day after i put my boat in finally..)

    I'll post up my bluetooth controller code and build list today - it's a rewrite of most of the code (including removing the rotary encoders - you can tweak in the app niw.)  The build is much simpler and only requires the controller (https://www.amazon.com/DFROBOT-Romeo-BLE-Arduino-Bluetooth/dp/B00PS3XHSQ/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=romeo+ble+arduino&qid=1565643755&s=gateway&sr=8-1)  and GPS (same gps as before)  (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MRNN3YZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 ) 

    If you want physical controls it supports a 3 way switch like before, and 3 buttons (left/off/right) with LED lights for modes - or just app control.  You wire it and set the specific configuration in the app - no code mods needed.  The app lets you adjust the deploy times on the fly while riding,  default settings - as well as tweaking all the settings the controller uses.  Currently the app is only an android APK and i need to make it a prettier, but it works fine.  Control is over wireless bluetooth.  I do have an android wear app for controlling while surfing but the range is spotty at the moment -if i can improve i'll release.

    From personal experience - i would not recommend a screen/touchscreen arduino on a boat.  Marine environment is tough on parts in general - and there's no decent arduino driven touchscreens that aren't expensive or extremely fragile.  I had an OLED display on my previous build that i removed because it was a pain in the butt.  The phone is a MUCH better controller, everyone has one already, and you can see speed, deploy, settings, etc all on the app. You're better off grabbing a $20 fire tablet and using that than a dedicated screen.

    Anyway, the new code will be up here in the next day or so: https://github.com/jonthompson/surfactuator

    Are you still selling these controllers?


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